Before you start open air burning…
Refer to these resources:
Village of Keremeos
Fire Regulation Bylaw No, 855
Government of BC
Ventilation Index or call 1-888-281-2992
Outdoor burning information
British Columbia FireSmart
FireSmart website
Check whether other disposal options are available
for the material you plan to burn
Never burn garbage or construction debris! It is prohibited and may release toxic chemicals in the air.
- Compost instead of burning leaves and clippings
- Hire tree trimming companies to dispose of land clearing debris
- Woody materials could be turned into wood chips
- Recycle through your local program or at a collection facility

Open air burning is generally allowed (on good venting days) October 15 to April 15, unless the Kamloops Fire District advises otherwise.
Keremeos Fire Regulations Bylaw No. 855
Highlighted open air burning regulations
- Only permitted burning materials will be burned
- All permitted burning materials to be burned will originate from the land on which it is to be burned
- All burning will be conducted and concluded between 7 a.m. and sunset of same day
- All fires will be continuously controlled and supervised by a competent person properly equipped with sufficient fire extinguishing equipment and material
- All fires will be maintained so as to not constitute a nuisance

Know your distances before open burning!
A minimum separation of:
- Ten (10) meters will be maintained between the location of the fire and any power poles and powerline.
- Thirty (30) meters will be maintained between the location of the fire and any buildings and between any public roadway.
- One hundred (100) meters will be maintained between the location of the fire and any buildings on neighboring properties which may be a dwelling, business, or public facility.
- Five hundred (500) meters will be maintained between the location of the fire and schools in session, hospitals and facilities used for continuing care as defined under the Continuing Care Act. See maps below.

Open air burning only allowable on good ventilation days
No open fires will be initiated unless the local ventilation index as provided by Environment Canada is forecast as:
- “good” for the day on the open burning is to be started, and
- “good” or “fair” on the second and third day the fire is anticipated to release smoke
Open air burning must not be initiated if the local air flow will cause the smoke to negatively impact on a nearby population or cause pollution.
Please refer to the Village of Keremeos Bylaw No. 855, 2022 to review all regulations prior to starting a fire.
CALL 911 immediately if fire is out of control!