Please be advised that all claims made against the Village of Keremeos are handled by the Chief Administrative Officer.

It is your responsibility to take whatever action you deem necessary to preserve and protect your property from further damage or loss and further personal injury.

Should it be necessary for you to make a claim against the Village of Keremeos, there is a statutory deadline of two calendar months from the date of the incident or when you first became aware of the incident to submit the Notice of Claim in writing to the Village.

Your written Notice of Claim should contain the following:

  • Date written
  • Your full name
  • Mailing address and/or e-mail address
  • Phone number where you can be reached during the day
  • Date of the incident
  • Approximate time of the incident
  • Location of the incident
  • Nature of the claim
  • Estimated dollar value of the claim
  • Reason why you think the Village of Keremeos is responsible
  • Any additional information to support your claim (photos, drawings)

Address your written notice to:

Village of Keremeos

702 4th Street

Box 160

Keremeos, BC   V0X 1N0

Attention:  CAO


Or by e-mail:


Please call 250-499-2711 if you have any questions.