The Village's Planning & Development Department acts in the public interest to prepare plans and policies to guide development, balancing the needs of the community with economic, social and environmental considerations to protect the unique character of our community and quality of life for existing and future generations.
The principal functions of the Planning & Development Department are:
Current Applications
File No. |
Type |
Applicant |
Address |
Purpose |
Documents |
Z-2024-04 |
OCP & Zoning Bylaw Amendments |
Dave & Amber Rowe |
101 7th Avenue |
To allow for the conversion of an existing building to a townhouse. |
Draft OCP Amendment Bylaw 850-07,2024 Draft Zoning Amendment Bylaw 851-09 Council Report (1st & 2nd Reading) Public Hearing Notice |
Land Use Procedures Bylaw No. 819
Defines the procedures for applying for an OCP/Zoning Bylaw Amendment, Development Permit (DP), Development Variance Permit (DVP), Watercourse Development Permit (WDP) or Temporary Use Permit (TUP). A copy of this Bylaw can be found by clicking here.
Agricultural Land Reserve Exclusion Application
An application for exclusion of lands from the ALR must be submitted to the local government prior to being forwarded to the Agricultural Land Commission. For more information, visit the Agricultural Land Commission's website by following the link below.
(No current applications)
File No. | Type | Applicant | Address | Purpose | Documents |
Agricultural Land Commission Website
Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 850
The Official Community Plan (OCP) is a statement of objectives and policies to guide planning and land use decisions within the Village. An OCP is a statement of policy and does not regulate the use of private property; that is the role regulatory bylaws such as the Zoning Bylaw play. A copy of this Bylaw can be found by clicking here.
Official Community Plan Future Land Use Map
Outlines future desired patterns of land use in the Village. A copy of this map can be found by clicking here.
Zoning Bylaw No. 851
Specifies allowable uses by zones as well as regulating densities, setback requirements, maximum height and size of structures, off-street parking and loading requirements, home occupation regulations and provisions for permitting "secondary suites" and "carriage houses" on certain zoned properties. A copy of this Bylaw can be found by clicking here.
Zoning Map
Outlines current zoning designations for property in the Village. A copy of this map can be found by clicking here.
Applicable fees and charges for Planning & Development services are highlighted in 'Schedule 1' of the Village's Fees & Charges Bylaw No. 795, which can be found by clicking here.